Its the DUB-KEY Ragga Movemant, freedom for all people, palestinian resistance style!

Dubkey, is the name of an old old cultural dancing form that has been in the Arabic culture, and specifically the Palestinian one, for hundreds and thousands of years up tell this living day… Dubkey is our cultural break dancing flowing over the tunes of our ancestors, it is what keeps us alive, connected too the roots of our olive tree that will never be pulled out…

Dub-is the product of our african brothers over there between the islands, who taught us to resist through music and dance, to love life, even if all the other people treat you as inferior….to break down the chains of apartheid, and live up in the name of Juh…

Key- the key of the house that my grandfather took with him before he was displaced from his home and village, becoming a refugee alongside hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948. our Grand-fathers and mothers still holding their keys, hoping one day to return to their original home, and if they don’t, the generations that will come after, will hold the keys of their grandfathers and walk their walk of return… returning back to the home land.

Flyer of Ministry of Dub-Key

Qabbani claims Palestinian culture is in a rut and has hardly evolved since the expulsion and, for him, music is therapy, helping him to “lift his head.”

He thinks that part of Ministry of Dub-Key’s role is to make a culture that got stuck in the middle of the previous century more relevant.
Debka (from the Arabic word for “feet stamping” ) is a traditional dance from Middle Eastern and Arab countries. “Every region has its own debka, and it varies in style, movement and expression,” says Qabbani.

“We’re an oppressed people and we also oppress ourselves and this is also reflected in our embarrassment with our bodies, and therefore we hardly dance.”
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