Thank God its Friday
Thank God its Friday

‘Thank God it’s Friday’ tells the story of the everyday life during one week in the Palestinian village Nabi Saleh and the neighboring Jewish settlement Halamish. Every Friday people of Nabi Saleh demonstrate against the Israeli occupation and march through tear gas and rubber bullets towards the other side. The protests intensify, the tension rises week after week.

But how do the people from Nabi Saleh and the Halamish settlement react?

During a protest on a Friday in December, Mustafa Tamimi, a young man from Nabi Saleh, gets shot to death.

A year later, when Thank God It’s Friday was finished, the filmmakers returned to organise a screening of the documentary in Nabi Saleh and the Halamish Settlement. The reactions from both sides were recorded and are included in the documentary.

Documentary of Jan Beddegenoodts and Niel Iwens.

Official Website

"They should come and talk to us... We don't want to live like this every Friday. And I hope they don't "
