BDS Movement

Palestinians, Jews, Israeli citizens and people around the world join the Palestinian call for a BDS campaign against Israel.
More and more respected people see in the boycott of Israel the last chance to counter the terror of the apartheid state:

Naomi Klein, Roger Waters, Elvis Costello, Christiano Ronaldo, Stephen Hawking, Lupe Fiasco, Emma Thompson, Dwight Howard, Gianluigi Buffon, Meg Ryan & Dustin Hoffman, Jon Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg, Annie Lennox and Stevie Wonder.

Some critics accuse the BDS movement of antisemitism, a charge the movement denies, calling it an attempt to conflate antisemitism with anti-Zionism. The Israel lobby in the United States has made opposing BDS one of its top priorities. Since 2015, the Israeli government has spent millions of dollars to promote the view that BDS is antisemitic and have it legally banned in foreign countries. BDS supporters see it as a human rights movement. (,_Divestment_and_Sanctions)

Worldwide, there are groups that raise the necessary awareness in this regard. Here are just a few sample organizations:


BDS Kampagne Deutschland
Inspiriert vom Kampf der Südafrikaner*innen gegen Apartheid ruft die palästinensische Zivilgesellschaft zu Boykott, Desinvestitionen und Sanktionen gegen Israel auf, bis dieses internationalem Recht und den universellen Prinzipien der Menschenrechte nachkommt.

Supporting the Palestinian BDC call from within

US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
We believe it is time to take a public, principled stance in support of equality, self-determination, human rights (including the right to education), and true democracy

Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods
UK Jews who support the Palestinian call for a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israeli Apartheid

Die Freiheitsliebe
Dein Portal für kritischen Journalismus

BDS Movement